Amasty “Request a Quote” module made compatible with Hyvä

As you probably have seen from our social media post, we announced that we’ve contributed to Hyvä community by publishing one of our own compatibility modules. And of course, making it available to all Hyvä users. The module we worked with is from Amasty and is called “Request a Quote.”

Now, in today’s blog post I am going to briefly intoduce you the module. Plus, bring out some interesting details and remarks from the developer who’s been working on the compatibility process himself. We’ll clear up the questions you might have about the process and have a couple of words to say about the Hyvä community. So, keep reading and hopefully you’ll be as happy over the outcome as we are!

Why would you need the Amasty “Request a Quote” module in the first place?

Of course, there is nothing accidental and a good reason is behind the module creation. Check the details from the Amasty webpage. A quote about the facing challenge follows:

“In the modern, highly competitive e-commerce environment, merchants need an extremely flexible pricing approach to cover all the versatile demands of B2B and B2C customers. But how to accurately predict market dynamics? How to explore how much buyers are eager to pay and make equally beneficial purchasing offers for different types of customers?”

With this module you can make highly personalized purchasing offers and more importantly – grow the sales revenue by understanding the buyers’ demands. Their description to the “Request a Quote” module is as follows:

“A solution that helps you to create accurately adjusted pricing offers for both B2B and B2C customers. Let buyers comfortably negotiate over the prices and create quotes in one click from any web store page. Promptly customize the offer based on customers’ type or order size, thus motivating them for new orders.”

About making the module compatible for Hyvä users

Now how about that? Are you wondering what’s the process behind it and courious about the steps when it comes to Hyvä compatibility module? In short, what the developers had to do was to:

  • remove parts which were not necessary. Reason for that is the fact that Hyvä uses different tech stack and approach than the default Magento theme does
  • rewrite some parts of code and make it work with technologies that Hyvä uses, such as Alpine.js and TailwindCSS

In short, the compatibility module reimplements parts of a module that doesn’t work out of the box itself. There were a lot of functionalities written in knockout JS that needed to be converted to AlpineJS. That, according to the developer, you could say was perhaps the trickiest part of the process.

Now to wrap it all up I’d like to bring out something that always remains to be complimented: the well working Hyvä community. The developers around it create somewhat a circle to ensure a smoother process. Providing support and help all along the process as well as having it easy to get feedback and find out about the experience of others’. As they said – the community really helps the Hyvä implementors to get the job done even more quickly and be more efficient.

Reach out to us!

Don’t think twice about who to turn to if a better and quicker performing webshop is your goal. Interested in accomplishing it through new and innovative ways. Get in touch with us – it would be our pleasure the help you on this journey.

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