Recapping Hyvä Meetup 2023: Insights and Highlights

We’re thrilled to share the success story of our recent Hyvä Meetup, which took place on September 21, 2023, at the Hotel Ambasador in Niš, Serbia. This event brought together e-commerce enthusiasts, developers, and experts for insightful presentations and networking sessions.

First and foremost, we want to express our gratitude to everyone who attended the Meetup. Your presence contributed to the event’s good and professional vibe. We appreciate your support and the e-commerce enthusiasm we shared at the event.

A Fantastic Venue and Impeccable Service

Hotel Ambasador provided perfect logistics for our event, offering a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere. We want to thank them also for their impeccable service, ensuring our guests had an enjoyable experience throughout the day.

Inspiring Presentations

Our lineup of speakers was remarkable, and each presentation offered invaluable insights into the world of Hyvä and e-commerce:

Emile Koolstra shared his extensive knowledge and vision, explaining “How Hyvä Got Magento Back In The Game.” With over 15 years in e-commerce, his insights into the impact of Hyvä on development and marketing agencies and the benefits for merchants were more than helpful.

Erwin Hofman, an expert in optimising site speed and Core Web Vitals delivered a compelling presentation on performance improvements for Magento stores. Attendees left with practical strategies for enhancing websites.

Marko Pantić, our esteemed team lead and developer, offered tips for developers ready to go into Hyvä with the “Developing My First Hyvä Webshop – Tips To Get You Started” presentation. His technical presentation provided good foundational knowledge to every front-end developer, which also opened a lot of interesting topics for our “Unconference” session.

Branko Petrović, the product owner of Maxifleur, shared his “How Hyvä Helped Ranking #1” presentation, which highlighted the practical benefits of implementing Hyvä to achieve top Google rankings, offering a fresh perspective on e-commerce success.

Last but not least, Stefan Bojković, our Hyvä Expert, went into another interesting technical topic of “How To Make An Extension Hyvä Compatible.” Because of his expertise in working with Hyvä, he shared all the possibilities of making extensions Hyvä compatible for every online store.

Knowledge and Connections

The Hyvä Meetup 2023 was more than just a conference; it was a great networking and knowledge-sharing event for Magento and Hyvä enthusiasts. Attendees had the opportunity to connect with peers, exchange experiences, and gather practical insights to later apply in their e-commerce ventures.

As we wrap up this chapter, we want to extend our gratitude again. Thank you for being a part of this remarkable event. We look forward to future opportunities to learn, grow, and connect with all of you.

Until then, let’s continue to innovate and elevate the e-commerce game together.

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