customer case study

How Hyvä Theme Launched Extreme Intimo to Success

about extreme intimo

Extreme Intimo is a high-quality underwear and nightwear brand from Latona Tekstil, Germany. This irreplaceable and very soft touch high-quality clothing solution is sold in as many as 9 countries: Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Macedonia, Russia, Czech Republic, and Germany. The webshop is multilingual and offers an extensive range of secure payment options.


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The Challenge

Extreme Intimo, a renowned Serbian fashion brand, faced several challenges with their existing webshops built on the Claue theme. Although the theme provided a solid foundation, the webshops lacked the speed and custom functionalities to optimize the user experience.

As a result, turnover declined, and the need for improved performance and stability became urgent. The brand required a modern solution to elevate its webshops from satisfactory to exceptional, prompting the transition to the Hyvä theme.

What did Younify do?

To address these challenges, we completely transformed Extreme Intimo’s webshops, utilizing the innovative Hyvä theme. Our approach began with setting up a clean Magento environment, ensuring a fresh start without the limitations of outdated extensions.

  1. Extension Mapping and Upgrades:

    • We assessed the existing extensions and the client’s requirements. Many extensions were outdated and irrelevant, so we replaced them with new Hyvä-compatible ones. We developed custom solutions to ensure functionality for those that were not compatible.
  2. Design and User Experience:

    • Collaborating closely with Extreme Intimo, we created a sleek, modern design tailored to the Hyvä template. We focused on enhancing typography, optimizing the homepage layout, and improving the user interface of category pages, cart, checkout, and other elements.
  3. CMS Integration:

    • We implemented a user-friendly CMS page within the admin panel, empowering Extreme Intimo to manage and update content as needed with ease.
  4. Performance Optimization:

    • We migrated the webshops to a fast and reliable hosting platform to ensure optimal performance, significantly boosting loading speeds and stability.

The Results

The Serbian webshop experienced a substantial boost in performance, with core vital scores improving from a little above 20 to over 90. This significant enhancement in loading speed and user experience translated into increased customer satisfaction and engagement. The success of the Serbian webshop inspired Extreme Intimo to transition their other regional webshops to the Hyvä theme. As a result, webshops in Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, and Montenegro now benefit from lightning-fast loading speeds and improved user experiences. Extreme Intimo’s online sales have grown significantly, solidifying its position as a leader in competitive e-commerce.

What Extreme Intimo Says About Us

“Extreme Intimo is a Serbian brand with a long tradition in the textile industry that successfully operates in 8 countries. Thanks to our partner, Younify, with whom we have successfully cooperated for many years, we have successfully grown online sales. Younify supports us in this area, solves all the more complex changes, and works on improving our sites. Thanks to their expertise, professional attitude, and commitment, they have our full trust.”


Tijana Markićević, Extreme Intimo

The technology that we use for
Extreme Intimo

Magento 2
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